Lion's ROAR Marketing

Smashing Magazine: Mecca for Creative Professionals

For creative professionals and the like, a great website/blog to go to for inspiration/motivation/latest news is Smashing Magazine which was referred by my coworker Lori of Lorikeet Media.  A lot of the website focuses mainly on  information for web designers and graphic artists, but there is also useful information for marketing professionals and newbie entrepreneurs as well.  A post that I found extremely useful is one called, “Breaking Down Doors: Promoting Yourself to Dream Clients.”  I know as a budding entrepreneur I wanted to find out ways to reach out to clients or find out ways to adjust strategy when I hit a bump in the road.  This entry tells you how to do all that and more.  I especially like the perspective entries are written in.  Always encouraging and light-hearted.  

Another feature of the website I MUST look at every month are the Desktop Wallpaper Calendars they feature every 1st from designers who submit their work.  The wallpaper calendars are amazing looking  which are free for download and can also be downloaded without the calendar as well.

I visit this site religiously and I definitely encourage anyone looking to a get a “For Dumbies” approach to creative/marketing news and trends should also follow Smashing Magazine.  Additionally, if you also follow the Smashing Network, there are other good reads, such as free and awesome WordPress themes you can look through to use on your blog.  I know I’m trying to decide which one I want at the moment.  Look for a possible new look to RAWR! in the near future 🙂