Lion's ROAR Marketing

The Science of Blogging Webinar: Essential to Mastering Blogging

A recent webinar I watched, was “the Science of Blogging” developed by Dan Zarella and hosted by HubSpot.  Usually when I watch webinars, I tend to struggle to stay engaged throughout the webinar but this one was definitely worth setting some time aside for.

To briefly discuss who Dan Zarella is, he is, “author of The Social Media Marketing Book, is an award-winning social, search, and viral marketing scientist. Dan studies social media behavior from a data-backed position enabling him to teach marketers scientifically grounded best practices.”  Now scientist may be a slightly pretentious term to bestow upon youself, but Dan really reveals some great insight into what the appeal of blogging is for people involved in social media out there.

Some of the key takeaways from his webinar include the following:

  • The Marketing appeal of blogging
  • When to post blog entries to ensure maximum pageviews and   feedback/comments
  • When to post tweets to gain followers and retweets
  • How to often post blog entries
  • What kind of content to post (Positivity and Sex (hehe) )

Being new to the blogosphere, I’ve found it sometimes difficult to find the information I need to know in order to leverage my blog in one cohesive place.  The Science of Blogging webinar is exactly that.  It’s almost a Blogging for Dummies webinar.  Dan also is very conversational when he talks so it’s extremely easy to follow along.  Sometimes webinars tend to sound very scripted and can only hold your attention for so long.

Dan Zarella

HubSpot (the host) is also a great location to find out about the latest social media and marketing trends and tools, which I actually stumbled upon by watching AMA webinars.  Click here for a list of their upcoming webinars and also be sure to click on Marketing Resources.

Lastly, to view “The Science of Blogging” webinar, or to download the slides click here.