Lion's ROAR Marketing

Life By PowerPoint

“Death by PowerPoint,” is a phrase all too common to anyone who may work at a job where presentations are a regular part of their work routine.  I remember when PowerPoint first came out, it was cool to use the laser sound effects and have text whoosh into the middle of the screen.  Nowadays that’s considered a faux paux and PowerPoints have typically become more drab and non-engaging.

There is however a solution to this problem.  Enter Wienot Films, a company that specializes in creating explanatory videos with nothing but a white board and some magical editing tricks.  One of Wienot Films‘ talks about how to use PowerPoint in a very witty and entertaining way.  They show how you can transform your PowerPoint into a presentation tool that won’t compel people to gauge their eyeballs out after your presentation.

Watch their 3 minute video which I stumbled upon by a fellow Tweeter, Nick Smith who first posted the video on his site, Advance Your Slides.   See how you can leverage PowerPoint to communicate your message in a smart, entertaining and engaging fashion.  Take it away boys!